Intentions of the Holy Father for April

Ecology and Justice. That governments may foster the protection of creation and the just distribution of natural resources.
Hope for the Sick. That the Risen Lord may fill with hope the hearts of those who are being tested by pain and sickness.

16.24 miles

So it was a rough run, and since last week, I crapped out at 8 on a 16 mile run, 16.24 on an 18 doesn't seem so bad. The biggest single reason was because it was getting late and my roommate (with whom I frequently run) had to get to work. That was a nice excuse, er... press release, for the both of us.

It's called rebuilding from some sloth.

Look out, 20-miler, here I come! And oh, yeah... look out milkshake, I'm headed right for ya!

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